Saturday, 29 May 2010

Wikipedia is not only my god, it's also hilarious

Just a little update today having seen the greatest Wikipedia article of all time about Greg Staples a Sheffield based artist whom Ben (housemate) has had dealings with, and built a website for.

Never have I seen a better entry than the line: "Staples best known for his work in the weekly British comic 2000 AD, especially on Judge Dredd. His son, Brian Staples, is known as a fine fellow."

I have never been happier. I can only assume Brian is the author of this particular article...

Next update will tell you about the hilarious man we heard on the way back from the One O'clock Shoppe.
Stay tuned for that absolute gem.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Road trips and room mates

Evening all, been a bit of a funny ol' week just gone, but was rather lovely all round!
So there I was at uni, printing some stuff off, chatting to Shane and Tash when I receive one of those mythical, epic Johnson calls.
"Spirrett, what are you doing tonight?"
"Revision and stuff?"
"No, you're getting your sleeping bag, your drink and you're going to get drunk and go on a road trip with me."
"But I have-"
"Do it."

2 hours later on the road, I realised I'm going to have to ring Flo as discuss tomorrow (I'd planned to meet her in London), and it worked out that I probably wasn't going to make it at any decent time... Sad Elliot was sad.
So we went to Kent to pick her up. Eventually.
I have a tip for you dear readers. If you ever go to Kent, and you ever want to find anything other than main roads take a very detailed map. We must've drove every road in Medway before being able to find her house, and we had Ben on Google Maps. It was beyond ridiculous how poorly laid out a town it is.
Anywho, after much more driving (and failing to find a suitable place within the towns to sleep and chill), we decided to try the country. Kent, as well as having inadequate signage, is also something of a stranger to anywhere you can park a car and not be surrounded by scum apparently.

So anyway, after a while driving, we find ourselves on Sheppey, which is kind of shit, but we end up on the coast road, chilling on a little hill, right in front of the beach, drinking and chatting nonsense, eventually watching the sunrise and then hitting bed. Next day we wake up, and it's stupidly hot, so we drive down into Kent again, for food, and after breakfast we wander about a bit, and then head back to Gillingham, and happily convince Flo that she should come to Cambs. It wasn't difficult.

So then Flo came to Cambs and we spent days in the sun reading mildly pornographic material around children and drinking excessively.
And now Flo is going to move to Cambridge. Whether she likes it or not :D

So that was my week. Hopefully pics to follow soon from Flo.
I have a good feeling about June.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Peon voices say work work

Hello again you!
Good god it's been a while now hasn't it? I promise you I have an excuse! It's been months of working, reworking, testing, retesting, signing, dining, drinking, winking (it had to rhyme) and an election to satirise (vaguely).
So my dissertation is done and handed in. My other essays (bar a long story) are also done. I have an exam in June. And today the sun shines.
So what first? You don't want to hear about my work, so I won't go into detail. Needless to say, I'm extremely happy and more than a little sad that it's all over. I'm sure you can sympathise!
Election: many of you know I voted Conservative. They won. Get over it. I won't go into my reasons but suffice to say my reasons were good enough. I just hope that if the next four years goes well that people will be able to climb down off their high-horses and say "Yeah, they were the right men and women for the job!", and not just keep the old prejudices.

I had a birthday. That was lovely! Thanks to everyone who sent me messages, sorry I couldn't reply to them all but they were very sweet!
I went punting with my Amy and Ben G, which was nice and between the three of us we managed to get drunk enough that we could still punt, but not talk particularly well. This is deemed a great success in my home country. Of England.
The night was equally spiffy, I would assume.

So all this so far has had something of a theme and leads to a point... I'm getting old(er). Soon enough I'll have to leave uni and enter the real world. It's a terrifying thought, as I'm sure you can appreciate if you're in a similar situation. Especially considering I may be woefully under-qualified for any job in my chosen industry.
I'm worried a fair amount, and I don't think unjustifiably. But then I guess most students are in this position. Hell I assume most people looking for work are in this position. Then again not so many of them are attempting to find work in an industry that's just suffered its biggest setbacks for some time... Oh well, we'll see.
Dad asked what my plan B was. And my C and D.
I told him I'd join the Navy. He seemed pleased with that idea. What have I done?

I think I have decided on my summer looks, and I think they mostly contain beige. It's a non-colour to most of you, but I've fallen slightly in love with the idea of beige and everything it can offer me. Is this possibly the most ridiculous statement I've made? No. But it's up there. I stand by it nonetheless. But srsly, I've got my chinos and my deck shoes, I'm totally ready for summer. If only my Ray Bans weren't in Manchester :|

I feel like this is something of a non-post, but it was an attempt to get me back into the swing of things I guess. Not that people care I'm sure!
Oh well!

Until next time (where I promise to offer you ramblings and musings, both of which will be bollocks), have a wonderful day!

Oh, and this: how excited am I? Very. Why? I get to see Flo again soon. This makes my life! ^-^