Monday, 3 August 2009

How I constantly disappoint myself

For a number of days now, I have found myself deliriously under stimulated. A contradiction-in-terms you may agree, but one I fully intend to employ for the purposes of this entry.
In short my silent interlocutor (for in my mind this is a conversation that has merely taken a turn for the one-sided as opposed to an originally one-sided exchange, though admittedly the lack of feedback and followers has done little to support my claim) I have found myself with little or nothing to do. Now this offends me in a particularly hurtful way: I find it intellectually insulting that a man of my, not inconsiderable (if I may say so) cranial capacity, and indeed volume, finds himself at a loss for something to do. There is always something which can be achieved. Expanding the mind is one. Contributing to society is another. Making acquaintances is a third. And yet to my mind none of these would do nor seemed fitting enough. And thus with a heavy heart and tread, I stalked the halls of my family home in despair and almost unfettered fury. How could I allow such a mood to take me?
Alas it is entirely myself at whose feet the blame should be lain.
With this in mind I now vow to fill time in which I would complain of boredom or of a lack of entertainment to further myself and to produce a better man as a result. No more shall I throw myself onto the bedspread or the bedspread of even my siblings in a vague attempt to gain attention or to gain pity.
I, Elliot Thomas Luke Spirrett, henceforth vow to combat and defeat boredom in my quest to become a better person, in the eyes of my peers and the rest of society, or die in my endeavour.
Elliot Spirrett.

Thank you for witnessing this moment and this rant.

Starting next entry: less ranting, more musings and creative writing, reviews and views, and, importantly, a more learned scribe, at your service.

Until next time, cheers!

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