Saturday, 13 March 2010

Hello there you,
Sorry it's been a while. I've been super busy and rather unable to think of anything I thought worthwhile to talk about. But then again I've never yet found anything worthwhile so that shouldn't stop me.
So what's going on? Well mostly I've been writing my dissertation and a lovely essay about the nature of diagnosing autism, which has been interesting to a point. Mostly though I've been attempting to change myself. I started running. I didn't get very far. I did a few days, and I failed to keep going as per everything thus far in my life. It worries me that I get into something in a short term fashion, and get bored of it easily. Does this transfer to more serious matters? Will I ever find a job where I'll stay interested long enough to make a career? Will I marry only to find I am uninterested? Will my children bore me to tears with absolute nonsense about their day at school and the latest incarnation of the pokémon card (more than likely this will happen, children bore everyone with this nonsense it would seem. I know, I was a children once!).
But where was I? Ah yes, changing myself... I took a few steps; I rewrote my CV, I applied for a MENSA home testing kit, I agreed to a new regimen of working and many other promises. I failed thus far to achieve anything of note. In 20 years.
I have watched the entirety of The Thick of It, and In The Loop though. That's not a notable claim, but it is an amusing situational comedy anyway.

I got my top-hat for Christmas. I've yet to find a suitable occasion, outfit or weather system for it. Galling.
I've lost weight, yet failed to consolidate on this position and continue to lose weight.
I've given up smoking. So much. A day. Fuck that.
I've argued with people I would otherwise get on with. I've retreated into my room. I've eaten ready meals (something I am opposed to wholeheartedly). I have become a social pariah.
I hate this bollocking university.
Still. It'll all be over soon.

I'm sorry that this wasn't an update more than a moan, but frankly I'm not in a hugely great mood of late.
I just sneezed all over my screen. I have no intention of cleaning it, and I didn't even derive pleasure from the sneeze, something I normally do.

Tomorrow I'm going to get up, drink tea, read the economist, play golf and do some work. Hopefully I can think of something more interesting to write and something more light-hearted to say to you.
If you're reading this, I probably love you. If you're not, you won't know that I have called you a buffoon and an imbecile and that I probably don't love you.

Apologies again for the rant.


  1. Oh Elliot :( I'm sorry to hear you've not been having a very good time. I would recommend wearing your top hat more in everyday activities.
    You know my sleeping pattern, if you ever want to call me for a chat :)
    Also, I'm really looking forward to coming to see you in May! And are we still cosplaying? xx

  2. At the Expo? I haven't thought about that in so long... I don't know. I suppose so but we'll have to see I guess!

    Also thank you Floey :$ Muchly.
