Anywho, I thought I might just fill you all in on my life so far, in the thinly veiled hope that someone will find it vaguely entertaining, thus validating my need to have a blog in the first place. However before that, I might suggest that someone buy me this:

I believe the words I'm looking for are "immediately if not sooner".
But obscure, mildly homosexual wishlist aside, what has been "going down"? Well after my final exam, I attended the psychology BBQ with friends, and wandered off into town to get so horrendously trashed I was held up by 3 people at one point I'm sure, while I attempted to get service.
After that it's been balls and parties left and right.
Summer ball was a rather wonderful success, with booze a flowing, and a wonderful equilibrium being attained by all, having to judge alcohol/food intake alongside bumper-cars/mechanical bull riding time. Thankfully messless...
This was followed by some small downtime hanging out with Flo as she visited Cambridge, and chilling before the advent of May Week.
May week, for those not in Cambridge/Oxford to witness it, is the week of all the CU and OU balls, garden parties and larger socials. This equates roughly to a week of open bars and the excuse to dress up.
Cue the Gents' garden party, a day of May Bumps (observed from a pub), the World Cup drinking excuse, The Wyverns' Garden Party (Magdalene College Drinking Society) complete with Jelly Wrestling, the need to get drunk, Brad's BBQ (not a huge event, more sort of... A friend's house warming), then just an evening of watching Trinity Fireworks (which I missed, but drank in honour of) and then a morning of gin fuelled breakfast. Tonight is the John's College May Ball and despite my lack of ticket I anticipate Matt and Ben fulfilling my quota, while I visit Doom HQ.
Where is this all going? Am I just bragging (of my alcoholism) or does it have point?
Well if I'm honest, I'm trying to say a farewell to Cambridge. My current lack of a job has made it that I will find it impossible to continue to live here for now. This saddens me greatly. This has been my home now for three years, and I feel that it should continue for now... Alas, I am, as of yet, unable to source work. C'est la vie.
I hope only that I can return soon enough, and re-indulge in this hedonistic life which university has afforded me. Frankly I've had an excellent three years here, met some wonderful people and can't really face leaving it all. Much disappointment all round but thanks to you all for the time.
I feel proud to have said goodbye to the ol' place in this fashion.
Cheers Cambridge,
this blog made me want to cry!
ReplyDeletegood times!
Aw sorry love... Totally feeling you though!
ReplyDeleteMiss you.