Sunday, 25 July 2010

Just a quickie if you don't mind?

"My life is changing in so many ways..." - Neil Young, A Man Needs a Maid.

So this is more of an update than anything else really. A lot's been going on and I haven't had a chance to write for a while.
Where to start? Ok, well university ended, and for better or for worse, I had to leave Cambridge and return to Ashby. Many a melancholy day was suffered.
Had Ben's birthday which was a riotous storm of incredible consumption and decadence (I believe this is a worthwhile description and believe he'd approve. Maybe even gift it the Charles Atlas Seal of Approval. Who knows?).
Job hunting came and went as I begin gainful employment tomorrow morning. I have a spiffing new black suit with which I intend to impress and charm anyone and everyone with. If they so wish it or not. I feel a suit lends me both the impressive and charming air as if by magic.
I spent a week at Benter Parcs. In this week we managed to watch Inception twice, the various trailers 97 times and listen to the soundtrack while performing mundane activities (and shaking martinis) around 438 times. It lent drama and epicicity (oh yes) to every situation. Getting dressed was suddenly a race against time in which consequences would be dire if not completed before the kick. Getting undressed became the same but also sexy. And consequences would never be the same again.
Now I await my father, as I intend to relocate to his abode for a while to get settled in my new job in Nottinghamshire. I'll try and keep you updated as to the whethertoos and whyfors of my life in the near future, however, I fear I shall be busier than I could normally anticipate.

Having run some quick diagnostics, I can confirm the injoke density on this post to be not only the highest yet, but to rival most of the blogs on Myspace. Congratulations me.

I hope this found you all well,

PS: More detailed and rambling updates in the future, I promise.