Monday, 16 November 2009

Busy Business

Yes yes alright class I know I'm late, settle down now!
What? Why am I late? I was busy ok?
Fine! Well basically I've had a shit tonne of essay, volunteer stuff for Linkline, and moving into a new house, not to mention having a social life (on occasion) and general day-to-day living...

But anyway, down to business, take our your copy books, and turn to page 29 in your textbooks: a chapter entitled Fashion.
Yes I realise we were supposed to study this last time, but I never ended up writing it out for you so we're doing it now. Stop interrupting.

First off: my new jacket arrived. And it's delicious. £100's worth of reduced down wonder, and frankly I was at a loss, not knowing what on earth to wear it with. Suddenly: terror. "A waste of money" I heard in a middle aged male voice. "A hundred pound down the drain" I heard in a similar female lilt. "Don't have the bollocks to wear it!" I heard in an almost unmistakeable Essex screech.
Thankfully, I had the world at my fingertips, and they were (mostly) ready to help me. A round of forum questioning and I had answers... And so please turn your attention to figure 1.
Fig 1. Jack Wills Ravensworth Blazer with Black jeans, vintage shirt, PF Flyers and Ray Bans

Alright quiet now at the back, let's move on.

On the next page you will discover that a man can dress like something he has no idea about and still feel confident that he's giving an accurate portrayal of said topic.
I had recently seen (also in Jack Wills - shut up), a tweed jacket, which I had fallen deeply in love with. Deciding I needed one and being short by about £260, I should scout out the charity shops for something similar. No dice. They are certainly an overrated commodity. Luckily, Nottingham is full of vintage shops, and by that I mean there are roughly three. Wild Clothing is one such shop, and I must say, has a rather good selection of tat and trash, most of which I would describe as great! Though you may have to spend a few minutes in there...
Anywho, I managed to locate myself a houndstooth jacket in there for the meagre sum of £15. A bargain say I, especially as it actually fits. Normally if I'm lucky enough to find myself a jacket, it's going to be huge in the chest or stupidly short in the arms. Ridiculous shaped body you see! And so we turn to fig 2.
Fig 2 - Said jacket worn with white plain shirt and Prince Of Wales check trousers.

Things I want:
I have the bowler, but I need a topper.

Tweed trousers. God I want some...

A proper dress shirt. I have a bow-tie and nothing to wear it with.

There's a few other bits but I'm not sure what... I really wish I'd bought one of these things:
Before Topman got their grubby hands on them...
Grrr. (literally)

Anywho, might add some other pictures in time... For now, I merely promise to update more often. Sorry y'all....


  1. I basically want all of those things too.

  2. That's because you're awesome.

    London today - maybe I'll find some? Ha... And no money; such is life.

  3. You are THE most Cambridge boy I know.

    More so than my real Cambridge boys.

    Look at your wish list, rahhhhhh.
