As tempting as it is to leave it there for some form of comic effect, I think it's worth going on slightly with this and we'll converse (albeit one sidedly) for a while.
I've done nothing of late. All my excitable, furious, inspiration and motivation. This wouldn't be so much of an issue if it wasn't for the fact that all this has ramifications on others:
The house is a mess.
Lidia is carrying my ass big time.
Declan has done most of the Christmas shopping.
My room is horrendous.
I have no clean clothes.
I barely talk to my friends because I've not bothered to go get my phone sent back.
All of this compounds to make me feel like I'm going to shoot my own face off.
Here's the plan to get me out of this awful slump.
Tomorrow: Get up. Go running. 100 sit-ups. 100 press-ups (*gulp*). Breakfast. Catch up on the day's news and events. Go to uni. Enjoy my seminar if it kills me. Go to London. Meet Flo. Go to the Japanese Embassy. Generally geek about in London until our eyes fall out. Come home. Work somewhat. Sleep.
Friday: Repeat (bar London bits).
I feel like this will help me infinitely. That and a normal human sleep pattern.
And a dawn clock.
And a dawn porter. Om nom nom.
Oh man :( I was mega excited to come. I wish I had now even if it meant wearing thermals/a bad old lady cardi and hobbling a bit XD go to London again soon please? xxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteOk :D
ReplyDeleteIt was pretty good although we did a big fat nothing. Made Ben buy some purple jeans though. I intend fully to style his ass. He's got a frame I'd kill for.
Pahah I think that wins the title of 'Elliot's most camp sentence of the year' <3